

In Preparation

  • Cacho, J.F., J.J. Quinn, C.R. Zumpf, and M.C. Negri, in review, Site suitability classification for saturated bioenergy buffers and area estimates of candidate sites in the U.S. Midwest: submitted to Journal of Natural Resources and Agricultural Ecosystems.
  • Hamada, Y., C. Zumpf, and J. Quinn, in review, Remote Sensing Estimation of Field-Level Perennial Grass Biomass Yields Using Spectral Vegetation Indices: submitted to Biomass and Bioenergy.
  • Kasberg, B.C., J.J. Quinn, M.C. Negri, N.F. Grasse, C.R. Zumpf, and J.F. Cacho, in review, Demand Analysis of Nutrient Credit Trading between the Agricultural and Water Treatment Industries in Illinois: submitted to Energy Nexus.
  • Schuster, G., L. Walston, and A. Little, in review, Evaluation of an Autonomous Acoustic Surveying Technique for Grassland Bird Communities in Nebraska: submitted to PLOS ONE.


  • LaGory, K., Cacho, J.F., Zumpf, C.R., Lee, D.K., Feinstein, J., DeMatties, D., Walston, L.J., Negri, M.C., 2024, Bird Species Use of Bioenergy Croplands in Illinois, USA - Can Advanced Switchgrass Cultivars Used for Bioenergy Production Provide Sustainable Habitat for Breeding Grassland Birds?: Journal of Sustainability 16, 4807 https://doi.org/10.3390/su16114807
  • Ramirez, S., M.R. Schmer, V.L. Jin, R.B. Mitchell, C. Stewart, J. Parsons, D. Redfearn, J. Quinn, G.E. Varvel, K.P. Vogel, R.F. Follet, 2024, Perennializing marginal croplands: going back to the future to mitigate climate change with resilient biobased feedstocks: Frontiers in Energy Research. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenrg.2023.1272877


  • Hamada, Y., C. Zumpf, J. Quinn, and M.C. Negri, 2023, Estimating Field-Level Perennial Bioenergy Grass Biomass Yields Using Normalized Difference Red-Edge Index and Linear Regression Analysis for Central Virginia, USA: Energies 16, 7397. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16217397
  • Potash, E.; K. Guan, A. Margenot, D.K. Lee, A. Boe, M. Douglass, E. Heaton, C. Jang, V. Jin, N. Li, R. Mitchell, N. Namoi, M. Schmer, S. Wang, C. Zumpf, 2023, Multi-site evaluation of stratified and balanced sampling of soil organic carbon stocks in agricultural fields: Geoderma 438, 116587. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2023.116587
  • Cacho, J.F., J. Feinstein, C.R. Zumpf, Y. Hamada, D.L. Lee, N.L., Namoi, D.K. Lee, N.N. Boersma, E.A. Heaton, J.J. Quinn, and M.C. Negri, 2023, Predicting Biomass Yields of Advanced Switchgrass Cultivars for Bioenergy and Ecosystem Services Using Machine Learning: Energies (16) 4168. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/en16104168
  • Zumpf, C.R., J.F. Cacho, N.F. Grasse, J. Quinn, C. Walsh, D. Lee, D.K. Lee, and M.C. Negri. Evapotranspiration of Advanced Perennial Bioenergy Grasses Produced on Marginal Land in the U.S. Midwest: Biomass and Bioenergy (178) 106975. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2023.106975


  • Hamada, Y., C.R. Zumpf, and J.J. Quinn, 2022, Predicting Switchgrass Biomass Yields Using a Spectral Vegetation Index Derived from Multispectral Satellite Imagery: Argonne Technical Report ANL/EVS-23/20, 35 pp.
  • Vera, I., B. Wicke, P. Lamers, A. Cowie, A. Repo, B. Heukels, C. Zumpf, D. Styles, E. Parish, F. Cherubini, G. Berndes, H. Jager, L. Schiesari, M. Junginger, M. Brandao, N.S. Bentsen, V. Daioglou, Z. Harris, and F. van der Hilst, 2022, Land use for bioenergy: Synergies and trade-offs between sustainable development goals: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (161) 112409. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2022.112409
  • Canter, C.E., K. Zolton, J.F. Cacho, M.C. Negri, C.R. Zumpf, and J.J. Quinn, 2022, Impact of landscape design on the greenhouse gas emissions of shrub willow bioenergy buffers in a U.S. Midwest corn production landscape: Biofuels, Bioproducts, and Biorefining. https://doi.org/10.1002/bbb.2345


  • Hamada, Y., C.R. Zumpf, J.F. Cacho, D. Lee, C.-H. Lin, A. Boe, E. Heaton, R. Mitchell, M.C. Negri, 2021, Remote Sensing-Based Estimation of Advanced Perennial Grass Biomass Yields for Bioenergy: Land (10)1221. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10111221
  • Zumpf, C., J. Quinn, J. Cacho, N. Grasse, M.C. Negri, and D. Lee, 2021, Invertebrate and Plant Community Diversity of an Illinois Corn-Soybean Field with Integrated Shrub Willow Bioenergy Buffers: Sustainability (13)12280. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132112280
  • Zumpf, C., J. Cacho, N. Grasse, J. Quinn, J. Hampton-Marcell, A. Armstrong, P. Campbell, M.C. Negri, and D.K. Lee, 2021, Influence of Shrub Willow Buffers Strategically Integrated in an Illinois Corn-Soybean Field on Soil Health and Microbial Community Composition: Science of the Total Environment, volume 772. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145674
  • Cacho, J.F, J.J. Quinn, C.R. Zumpf, and M.C. Negri, 2021, Saturated Bioenergy Buffers: Site Suitability Classification and Estimated Areas of Candidate Sites in the U.S. Midwest under Three Scenarios: Argonne Technical Report ANL/EVS-21/2. https://publications.anl.gov/anlpubs/2021/05/166535.pdf



  • Kreig, J.A.F., H. Ssegane, I. Chaubey, M.C. Negri, and H.I. Jager, 2019, Designing Bioenergy Landscapes to Protect Water Quality: Biomass and Bioenergy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2019.105327
  • Mishra, S.K., M.C. Negri, J. Kozak, J. Cacho, J. Quinn, S. Secchi, and H. Ssegane, 2019, Valuation of Ecosystem Services in Alternative Bioenergy Landscape Scenarios: Global Change Biology Bioenergy,11:748-762. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcbb.12602
  • Zalesny, R.S., G. Berndes, I. Dimitriou, U. Fritsche, C. Miller, M. Eisenbies, S. Ghezehei, D. Hazel, W.L. Headlee, B. Mola-Yudego, M.C. Negri, E.G. Nichols, J. Quinn, S.D. Shifflett, O. Therasme, T.A. Volk, and C.R. Zumpf, 2019, Positive water linkages of producing short rotation poplars and willows for bioenergy and phytotechnologies: WIREs Energy and Environment, e245, 20 pp. https://doi.org/10.1002/wene.345



  • Zumpf C., H. Ssegane, M.C. Negri, P. Campbell, and J. Cacho, 2017, Yield and Water Quality Impacts of Field-Scale Integration of Willow into a Continuous Corn Rotation System. Journal of Environmental Quality, 46:811-818. doi:10.2134/jeq2017.02.0082.
  • Cacho, J.F., M.C. Negri, C. Zumpf, and P. Campbell, 2017, Introducing perennial biomass crops into agricultural landscapes to address water quality issues and provide other environmental services. WIREs Energy Environ., E275. DOI: 10.1002/wene.275.
  • Efroymson, R., M. Langholtz, K. Johnson, C. Negri, A. Turhollow, K. Kline, I. Bonner, and V. Dale, 2017, Synthesis, interpretation, and strategies to enhance environmental outcomes. In: 2016 Billion Ton Report, Volume 2, Chapter 14. January 2017, U.S. Department of Energy.
  • Dale V.H., K.L. Kline, E.S. Parish, A.L. Cowie, R. Emory, R.W. Malmsheimer, R. Slade, C.T. Smith, T.B. Wigley, N.S. Bentsen, G. Berndes, P. Bernier, M. Brandão, H. Chum, R. Diaz-Chavez, G. Egnell, L. Gustavsson, J. Schweinle, I. Stupak, P. Trianosky, A. Walter, C. Whittaker, M. Brown, G. Chescheir, I. Dimitriou, C. Donnison, A. Goss Eng, K.P. Hoyt, J.C. Jenkins, K. Johnson, C.A. Levesque, V. Lockhart, M.C. Negri, J.E. Nettles, and M. Wellisch, 2017, Status and prospects for renewable energy using wood pellets from the southeastern United States. Global Change Biology Bioenergy: GCB Bioenergy 9(8) 1296-1305. doi.org/10.1111/gcbb.12445
  • Graham, J. B., J.I. Nassauer, W. Currie, H. Ssegane, and M.C. Negri, 2017, Assessing wild bees in perennial bioenergy landscapes: Effects of bioenergy crop composition, landscape configuration, and bioenergy crop area. Landscape Ecology, 32(5), 1023-1037. DOI 10.1007/s10980-017-0506-y.


  • Ssegane, H., C. Zumpf, M.C. Negri, P. Campbell, J. Heavey, and T.A. Volk, 2016, The Economics of Growing Shrub Willow as a Bioenergy Buffer on Agricultural Fields. A case study in the Midwest Corn Belt. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 10:776-789. DOI: 10.1002/bbb.1679.
  • Negri, M.C. and H. Ssegane, 2016, Bioenergy crops: delivering more than energy. In “Commercializing Biobased Products”. Green Chemistry Series, S. Snyder, Editor, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, p. 25-47. https://doi.org/10.1039/9781782622444-00025
  • Ssegane, H. and M.C. Negri, 2016, An Integrated Landscape Designed for Commodity and Bioenergy Crops in a Tile-Drained Agricultural Watershed. Journal of Environmental Quality, 45:1588-1596, DOI:10.2134/jeq2015.10.0518.


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The Environmental Science Division (EVS) at Argonne National Laboratory conducts research on environmental systems to understand how system components could change as a result of energy activities, nationally important emerging technologies, and major new federal policies and programs. Our core studies focus on land and renewable resources, surface and subsurface hydrology, coupled ecosystem processes, radiation and chemical risk management, environmental restoration, atmospheric processes and measurement, and climate research. Our work provides the nation with rigorous science and engineering analyses about the present and possible future state of the environment.

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The research was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO). Argonne National Laboratory is managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC, for the U.S. DOE under contract DE–AC02–06CH11357.

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